It's been 3 years since I last posted. That is pretty hard to believe. And I doubt anyone still reads this itty bitty corner of the internet. But just in case there's anyone still out there...

The last almost two years have felt like a blur. In September of 2019 we'd been looking at houses and were getting ready to buy a little bit bigger home to settle into for a long while when I had a strange feeling that we needed to back out of that plan and Dustin needed to, on a whim, apply to another company for a new job. A couple of weeks later he accepted that engineering job in aerospace and was commuting across Denver up into Westminster for his new job. We put our house on the market and went under contract immediately. It sparked the beginning of a very long adventure of relocating to the north side of the city for us. 

We decided to build a house in north Broomfield and planned to rent an AirB&B for 2 months that we'd be in between selling our house and closing on our new one. So we moved the kids to their new school, and settled into living in an AirB&B with the majority of our things in storage. And then our new house was delayed. And delayed again. And again. 

We went from being told that our house would be finished in December 2019 to January, to February, to March... you get the idea. So we hopped from one AirB&B to another and then to another. Fast forward to March 2020 and COVID hit and shut the world down. Which also shut down the build of our home. It was a very stressful and wild ride. And the stress of it may have shaved a few years off the end of my life. But through no small miracle, while the world was shut down, we managed to pull the right strings and move into our new home on April 1, 2020. We closed on a Saturday, moved in on a Sunday, and the kids started remote school for the first time the following Monday morning. Thank God for an internet hookup on the weekend during a pandemic. That was wild.  

My kids spent all of first grade and fourth grade doing remote school from home. Dustin has spent most of the past year also working from home. Thank goodness our new home has way more space than our last home or none of that would've been feasible! We had a wonderful neighborhood pod group of remote friends that we spent time with outside and got through pandemic life together. My kids will be starting school again this fall remotely. Having them home worked well for us last year and we are just rolling with it for now. Alice is starting 2nd grade in August and is 7. Julian is starting 5th grade and is 10! Time. Flies. 

After all the chaos of moving, bouncing around with AirB&Bs, Dustin starting a new job, and COVID, we were pretty happy to hunker down and stay home through the pandemic. We've spent this summer adventuring around Colorado. And we've spent more days at the neighborhood pool than not this summer, and have done a few rounds of swim lessons while these kids learn to really swim. 

Building and buying a home during a pandemic was a very wild ride. One that sometimes we weren't sure we'd make it through. But here we are. We've been in our new home now for a full year and FINALLY feel like we are getting settled in. My photography business is back in full swing and I'm grateful for my work and the way it ebbs and flows with life. This year is ten years of owning my photography business. Pretty hard to believe! But it is alive and well and I'm gearing up for the start of my busy season now. It feels extra busy on the heels of a very quite year of business during the pandemic. 

If anyone is still out there reading, I'd love to know. Hoping you are happy, healthy, and doing well. 


  1. Meg... wow. It's been a while.
    Congrats on the big move and settling in to live further north. Your family is beautiful and your kids are getting so big!
    We are in Aurora as Matt is back at Buckley. We miss the Pacific Northwest terribly and have hopes of moving back after Matt retires in 2 years.
    Funny, in a God is crazy kind of way, that you checked my long forgotten blog last week and replied. We were in Kansas... my Mom died two weeks ago. Very suddenly and unexpectedly.
    I can't explain how much my heart hurts and aches.
    I hope you can understand that I need some time to grieve and mourn right now but I would love a chance to catch up some time soon.


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