Coming Home Outfits

We don't know if the baby is a boy or a girl, so I have an outfit ready for each gender for coming home from the hospital in. I'm not huge on the "Coming Home Outfit" frenzy that seems to be out there. I've heard stories of women spending $100+ on the outfits that their kids come home in. I cannot fathom this. I, however, am such a bargain shopper that I'm excited to say that neither outfit I purchased was over $5.00. So, here's what I picked out for little baby Brothers to make his/her first adventure home in:

If she is a she:

If he is a he:

(It is merely coincidence that they are both plaid). The orange hat and socks were hand knit by my sister, Jen and are so absolutely adorable that they will be part of the fun. I am currently 33 weeks pregnant so only 7 weeks left until my due date. I'm starting to get really excited to meet this baby and see who we've got! Feeling a little bit more confident about our name choices (which will remain a secret until he/she is here) and trying to not get too impatient.

Oh, and the baby's room is ALMOST ready to be photographed. Waiting on two more details and then I'll be posting pictures here. I can't wait to show you! XO, Meg


  1. very cute Meg! And the hat and booties ARE adorable! Can't wait for you either!


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