Quick Update

I'm getting lots of phone calls this week wondering if baby is here yet and how I'm doing... and while I absolutely appreciate all of the thought and well wishes, I just can't seem to keep up with every text and phone call (I'm sorry I can only tell the update so many times...). SO. Here's a quick update: I am a day past my due date (no surprise there) and things are going just fine. Baby is doing well, I'm doing well, just trying to balance rest with keeping active and busy. My blood pressure has been a tad bit elevated, so today at my doctor appointment we scheduled my induction for 9pm next Thursday night. If I make it that long, I will be admitted at night and will be induced sometime between Thursday night and Friday morning. That gives me one more week max of waiting and being uncomfortable. While I'm hoping to not have to be induced, it is nice to know there is an end in sight. So, now we wait and hope and cross our fingers that this baby decides to be ready before then on it's own!

The real countdown begins. And more waiting. XO, Meg


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