Summer Summer Summer Time...

Summer is flying by for us. I can't believe that I missed blogging for the entire month of July! And that it's already August 8th. Days are going by so quickly lately. Julian is looking and acting more like a toddler and less like a baby every day. He's running, climbing, and generally on the move all day long. He knows some baby sign language and signs: more, all done, change my diaper, eat, drink, milk, hat, help, dog, sorry, please, bath, and occasionally the word sleepy. He's started saying more words lately too. He says mama (it comes out like "mom-mom" most of the time), dada, up, hot, fish. He has learned to climb up on the couch by himself, and goes both up and down stairs (with guidance of course). He is very much an outdoor boy and will find any chance he can to get outside and if there is dirt or mud to be found, it's in his mouth. We go to the park almost every day and have fun playing in the water on the back porch (like above). We fill our days with swim lessons, story time at the library, walks, reading books, singing songs, doing housework... Always something to do but I genuinely love being a stay home mama!

My sister and her family will be in CO for the last half of August and we're really looking forward to spending as much time with them as possible. The last time they saw Julian was when he was 6 weeks old, so I'm anxious for them to get to know each other again.

Dustin and I started a high intensity workout program a month ago called "Insanity" and I am still plugging away at it. Dustin is taking a break from it to rest sore ankles. The impact in each workout is really high and it's been hard on his joints. It truly is insanity.

August is always extremely busy for us so I'm trying to focus on slowing down and enjoying our warm summer days and long hours of sunshine. It will be cold out before we know it and I love having a baby running around happily in his diaper - he is such a summer baby. XO, Meg


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