Merry Merry!

Our tree lit up with gifts underneath. I love having our tree up.

Some of Julian's new toys and books. And some itty bitty striped mittens.

Santa brought Julian a new airport. It was a huge hit.

Our stockings filled with lots of goodies. 

Julian playing happily while watching his dad open a gift.

He found a piece that he can pull off. He thought it was pretty funny!

One of Julian's new books, "Are You My Mother?"

Read it again, daddy! 

Julian helping. So much excitement.

Learning how to tear the paper.

It ended up a tad bit bigger than it looked on the box. ;) It's pretty sweet though.

We had such a nice day at home just the three of us today! White snow outside, Christmas music playing, gifts to unwrap, and a lot of snuggling made for a great day. We had Christmas with the Hale side of the family yesterday and will see the Brothers side of the family tomorrow. The merry just keeps on coming!


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