I've gotten asked quite a few times why we have chosen cloth diapering for our new little one so I thought I would share with you some of the reasons here. For us it is a combo of economical, financial, and preference. However, after doing some research, the answer for us was clear. Here are some facts that helped us decide to become a cloth diaper family: - Disposables leave behind an average of 2.7 tons of non-biodegradable waste (not to mention the waste produced by manufacturing them alone) per child. -With disposables, some estimate you spend an average of $2000 per child. Cloth compares at only an average of $150-$350 per child (with the added but minimal cost of electricity and water to launder them). -It's a little-known fact that cloth diaper children potty train earlier, and with less effort on their parent's part. This has mostly to do with the fact that when a cloth diaper is wet, they can feel the sensation. -Disposable diapers contain traces of Dioxin, an extr...
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