We bought a new car on Saturday! This 2013 Nissan Rogue is now happily parked in our garage and is the most fun toy we've ever purchased. Needless to say, it was a great weekend!
I've finally taken photos of the baby's room to share with you. And while I sometimes feel like this room will never be "done" (whatever that even means), I decided that it's time to just show it as it is - a work in progress for a little one soon to arrive. (click on the photos to see them larger if you like) I made the flag banner by hand, as well as the painted artwork hanging on the wall. On the shelf is a green piggy bank from grandma, a piece of art that I made, and some vintage blocks. I had the photo frames already thrifted and repainted. I made these fabric hangings just by stretching vintage inspired fabrics that I love over embroidery hoops. Just to add some color to the side of the room with the closet. This is probably my favorite part of the room. There is no overhead lighting in our house so I put together a group of Chinese lanterns and we hung them from the ceiling. The large white one actually lights and is connected to the light switch on a dim...
I've gotten asked quite a few times why we have chosen cloth diapering for our new little one so I thought I would share with you some of the reasons here. For us it is a combo of economical, financial, and preference. However, after doing some research, the answer for us was clear. Here are some facts that helped us decide to become a cloth diaper family: - Disposables leave behind an average of 2.7 tons of non-biodegradable waste (not to mention the waste produced by manufacturing them alone) per child. -With disposables, some estimate you spend an average of $2000 per child. Cloth compares at only an average of $150-$350 per child (with the added but minimal cost of electricity and water to launder them). -It's a little-known fact that cloth diaper children potty train earlier, and with less effort on their parent's part. This has mostly to do with the fact that when a cloth diaper is wet, they can feel the sensation. -Disposable diapers contain traces of Dioxin, an extr...
I am 6 months pregnant this week and it hardly seems real. It's hard for me to believe how fast this pregnancy is going. I'm so grateful to still be feeling well. This belly is definitely sticking out and the baby loves to kick and squirm at both 11pm and 5am. I had an older man at Home Depot trying to guess my due date this weekend which was both cute and funny. He's certainly hoping for a June 4th baby which is his birthday. We'll be lucky to see this baby before July 4th, really! Anyway, I'm not a huge fan of posting pregnant photos on here of myself, but I know there are a few of you who are out of state and wondering. We go back to the doctor on Friday and will have a chance to see this little one's face. If there's a great photo to share, I'll let you know. XO, Meg
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