We clearly have a long ways to go on this potty thing. :) We actually haven't started potty training, I just bought him two different kinds of seats this week. He's been exploring them and this adventure was along the lines of "look mama, hat?" We're in no hurry (i.e. he's not at all interested), just introducing the idea.

It's been really crazy around here the past few weeks. It's been nearly 3 weeks since Julian had to have xrays and I've been carrying him around. Yesterday we finally convinced him to put his foot flat on the floor. He stood on it for the first time. And today I was able to convince him to take a few steps at a time while holding onto my hands. I had no idea I would have to re-train my child to walk. It's been wild. We went to the zoo with friends on Thursday and his friend Allana was standing up and holding onto the fence in front of the bears. He wanted to join her, so I let him. He stood right up on his foot without even thinking about it. So I knew it was feeling well enough to balance on the ball of his foot. So we've been more intentional about having him try. He's very timid and it's almost like his muscles don't remember what to do and are stiff. I really thought he would bounce back better from this but I'm so thrilled to see him at least trying. Hoping we're on the path to recovery and back to his physical self.

Dustin has been working really long hours while he and a coworker try to make good progress on a program. It seems to be two steps forward, another back and so on. It's looking pretty intense for the next couple of months so we're just trying to rest and relax together when we can. 

Life can be so busy. But I'm grateful to have each other and to see Julian beginning to bounce back to himself. September has really flown by. 


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