The 52 Week Project - Jan, Feb, Mar

I've been working on a really fun project this year. I call it the 52 Week Project. The point of it is to consciously hop in a photo with my kid(s) each week - whether it's a candid or a posed photo - and at the end of the year, we will have an entire year of photos with me included in them. As the mama and a photographer, I am almost always the one behind the lens. In looking back over the first year or two with Julian, I don't have as many photos with him as I'd like. So I decided to make it a project. And I am so in love with what I'm seeing. They are truly becoming treasures and I can't wait to do a huge compilation print of them at the end. Memories that are true gems documenting a year when we go from 3 to 4.


I post one photo a week (so far usually on Fridays) on my personal Facebook page, as well as on Instagram. I am posting them once a month on my photography blog. (Click on "blog" on my photography blog to see all my posts including recent photo sessions I've done)


It's crazy to look back over the first three months of the year and see big changes already. For example, in the fourth week, Julian still had a pacifier. He's since given up his pacifier entirely and it feels like we've been done with it for so long. But then I look back and realize it was just a couple of months ago that we transitioned off a pacifier as well as into a big boy bed. Funny how it puts time into perspective. So much has already happened this year and I am thrilled that at the end of the year, we will have documented a very precious, special year together.


I'll be posting them monthly on my professional blog so be sure to bookmark that blog address to be able to follow along over the rest of the year (I'm not sure that I'll be doubling up and posting them here as well). The first photo from this fourth month is already my favorite and they just seem to keep getting better. We'll be adding a sweet, new face to them any day now.


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