Thoughts on Santa

Ok, I realize that it's only September and that this is a post about Santa Clause. But the topic of Santa is on my mind a lot so I thought I would share our take on him. I know there are a lot of differing thoughts on the proper way to deal with Santa and kids. I understand that not everyone believes what we do and there are many ways that other families chose to do it. But we've chosen to enjoy his presence in our house because honestly I don't want Julian to grow up without the excitement of wondering, hoping, wishing, and joyfully awaiting his arrival. I have wonderful memories of sitting on his lap, picking one toy to hope and wish for, and the thrill of waking up in the morning to cookie crumbs left and a gift just for me. I want Julian to enjoy that feeling for as long as possible!

If Julian comes to me and asks if there is a Santa, my answer will be yes. Because the way I see it, there is! He is just as real as any other character: from a book, a story, a fable, a movie. In my opinion, enjoying Santa with Julian is not lying to him or creating scars for him not to trust us. It's instead choosing to give him the magic of childhood, to wonder, to hope, dream, imagine, and play. This world doesn't offer many opportunities like that anymore - for kids to simply just be kids, innocent and playful and imaginative. I'm committed to giving him a childhood, even in this world that makes kids grow up way too fast and deprives them of wonder and magic - and I personally believe that Santa is one way of doing that.

We are a household that believes in magic - the magic of stories, of fairy tales, of imagination - the magic of believing in something even if we can't see it. We believe that Peter Pan could really fly. We believe in the tooth fairy. We believe in flying reindeer. And we believe that Santa brings a joy and excitement to Christmas that every child should be given the opportunity to enjoy.

I respect that not all households believe this way or chose this same version of Christmas with their children. However it is my hope that for those who do not participate in Santa that you also respect that some of us do. And allowing your child/ren to ruin the magic of Santa for my child/other children is not respectful at all. So if your child is the one running around spoiling Santa for other kids, could you let me know? We'd be happy to keep our distance.

Only 13 more weeks until Christmas!


  1. Good! It IS a good thing for children to believe in these magical mysteries of life, indeed - how else could one come to believe in Jesus if we aren't able to see and feel Him too. Good teachings to you & Dustin! Love to you all! GMa Jeanne


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